The 2014 Reedy Truck Race Of Champions results!
It has been another great season of R/C racing, here at Hot Rod Hobbies...and as we knew it would, the Reedy Truck Race of Champions delivered the stiff competition and smooth racing program that our racers expect! With the year slowly winding to a close, we want to take this opportunity to thank everyone for coming out and making this event the success that it was. Without further ado, here are the 2014 Reedy Truck Race Champions! (For a PDF of all main event race results, click here.)
Sportsman Stock Stadium Truck: Chris Van Air
Sportsman Stock Short Course: Randy Brown
Sportsman 4wd Short Course: Kyle Hidalgo
Super Stock Stadium Truck: Zachary Rogers
Super Stock Short Course: Tyler Fenster
Pro-2 Short Course: Cody Turner
Pro-4 Short Course: Rudy Rico
Modified Stadium Truck: Steven Hartson
Rookie Stadium Truck: Nathan Genda
2wd Rookie Short Course: Nathan Genda
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