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Thursday, December 11, 2014

Beginning in January, we require ROAR motor compliance for club racing

This is a notice to all of our loyal Hot Rod Hobbies club racers. Starting January 1st, all 17.5 & 13.5 motors will have to be on the ROAR-approved list and must be teched and sealed by our Hot Rod Hobbies staff, before being allowed for use in competition on either the off-road or new dirt oval track. You may use any ROAR approved motor you choose. We want to ensure fair and equal competition here at Hot Rod Hobbies.

You may begin bringing motors into the store any time after Christmas, to get them checked and sealed. We will need a little time to check each motor, so please don't bring them up five minutes before your race and expect them to get done. Our race announcer will check for the seal after each main event, along with random checks throughout qualifying. Our rule here at Hot Rod Hobbies has always been that we never turn anyone away, so if a racer from out of town shows up with a motor that is not ROAR-approved, he or she will be allowed to race that night, but will receive no points for the series. Thank you, racers!